If you visit a number of pet stores and ask this question, chances are you will get a variety of different answers. Always remember, fish keeping is more of an art than a science. We can only really give you the rule of thumb we have used in the last four and a half decades. While there are always for aquarists to use exceptions to every rule, we have found it. Invaluable in the feeding of all types of fish The best advice we can offer is the rule of thumb:
Feed fish as much as they can eat in two minutes - with nothing hitting the bottom.All that is left over after this short time wasted. Everything is wasted eventually remain in the bottom and red hanging. It is so much better and more effective to be sure that the fish only get what they really need, and very little extra, if any extra food at all.
These guidelines are meant, of course, for a standard aquarium community, such as the common passive tropical fish set up. This is not for special cases, such as those which should be grown fry. Fry typically require access to food more often than their adult counterparts. Moreover, it is not for breeding fish tanks to be bad as well as filtered unusual because of the size of the baby. and the risk of excessive suction filter input fry tanks are often not the picture of perfection visually and regularly feeds - sometimes up to six times a day!
It is generally felt that every time you feed it seem fish starved. However, this is not really a function of hunger. Rather, it is the physiological fact that they do not have a homeostatic control, to tell them they are full, as we do as humans. Fish never know in their natural habitat, when they go to find their next meal. You can left hungry for days if they are unlucky in their quest for food. As such, they are programmed so that as much as possible to eat when there is food available. Do you keep that from time to time. I have seen fish act as if they are starving, even after been supplied in full at a distance of about five minutes - in some cases they are actually eating until they will explode - not allow that to happen.
Fish are cold-blooded and have their temperature regulated by their environment. They require much less food than mammals, which burned to heat the majority of their calories and maintaining a carefully regulates body temperature. As such, do not feed fish as you would a person. Feed them once a day, and you can even occasionally skip a day as a good. If you put fish in the daily serving of food, watch closely to make sure that they actually eat all of it, and that nothing remains on the floor after feeding time is over.
We usually ignore bottom fish community in the implementation of regular daily feeding. If they are specialized feeders, they should be fed separately, not at the same time as float. In general, they tend to ignore flakes or other prepared foods in preference to catch the waste from other fish anyway. If you try to feed them as well, you are overfed and leave a lot of waste in the tank to rot. The really frustrating thing is that food in new condition is usually ignored by the catchers and simply rot as time goes by.
Do your fish a favor, feed them once a day, as much as they can eat in two minutes with nothing hitting the bottom or left. Ignore the scavengers, let them do their job and flush the tank to keep it clean. If the food stays longer after a feeding, reduce the amount the next time until you get the right amount of it in the allotted time frame to use to identify food every day.
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